Wednesday 22 February 2012

As I see it...

The 10 commandment shows that the Israelite were..... people who believe in 1 god.
The 10 commandment are.... rules that influenced the world 
The most important rules in the 10 commandment is.... Do not kill because they are human being like us.
The most questionable of the Ten Commandments is... keep Sabbath day holy

Reader Workshop

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Is your reader's workshop folder up to date? Yes
Do you owe me any 'bookworms' flowers? No

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Final Draft for the Fairy Tale

Princess Tutu
Once upon a time, there was a writer who could write story that come true. Now he writing a story called “The Prince and The Raven”. Before he finished it, he died. Because of having the power of writing story to come true, he was able to control the story even he was dead and tried to control all it’s power of the story.  Now he wanted to make the story tragedy so he added a tiny character to change the whole story. The Raven was angry and tried to escape from the story. The Prince shattered his heart to lock the Raven away from the real world. His heart contained all of his feeling. Now he had no feeling about anything. The story begins.

There was a little duck who dreamed to be a great ballerina and one particular thing that changed it. The man came up from nowhere, putting on the duck a little necklace. Suddenly the duck was a human, not good at dancing. If she said “Quack”, she turned into a duck instantly. When she saw shards of the Prince’s heart, she would turn into Princess Tutu, who would return The Prince’s pieces of heart but never would be with him.

Now she took dance lessons and the teacher was Mr. Cat. Mr. Cat is very strange cat; if his student did something wrong he would force them to marry him, but it never worked. Duck was usually late to class so being force to marry Mr. Cat was Duck’s nightmare. In Mr. Cat’s class there were 3 special dancers, they were Rue, The Prince, and Bargir.Rue was a beautiful dancer and in love with The Prince and Bargir was The Prince’s protector.

When Rue and The Prince danced suddenly Duck’s necklace shone.  Duck was scare that people could see it and asked her about the necklace that she didn’t know much about,so she ran. When she was outside of the school, her necklace grew brighter until she met a little girl name Lanter crying. Next to her was The Prince but he was red, just because that was only one piece of his soul so it looked red. So she turned into Princess Tutu and danced then took away The Prince’s piece of heart. The girl suddenly smiled and laughed when she saw her parent after Princess Tutu took away the piece of heart. She rushed to The Prince and returned it. He was recovered and Bargir was angry. Now Princess Tutu turned back into Duck.

Everyday Princess Tutu returned and The Prince was getting better. His heart was being restored now. Now Rue was angry because The Prince liked Princess Tutu so now she had the Raven’s blood in her body and she became Princess Kraina the Princess of The Crows. She became evil wanting the Raven to be free and The Prince would be The Prince of Crows. In her mind “Tutu will die”. She take one of the piece of heart that Tutu was trying to gave it to The Prince and put it in the Raven’s blood. Now The Prince was Prince of Crows.

Tutu was sad and knew Bargir know that Tutu was Duck so he was mad at her. But after Tutu and Bargir needed each other to save The Prince and they became friend. Now they just knew that Bargir had the power to write story that came true like the man that died. Now Tutu was trying her best to return all of his pieces of heart so he could return his true form. And Bargir was trying to write story to stop the Raven by making Tutu stronger and able to help The Prince while he destroyed the Raven. 

The last piece of heart was returned and The Prince was back and the Raven was free. Now the Raven knows that Rue is useless so she was in the Raven body and danced and danced forever. The last piece was in Princess Tutu necklace, now it was returned to The Prince, she was no longer Princess Tutu so do Duck. The Prince fought the Raven and it died. Kraina returned to be Rue again and The Prince save her out of the Raven before it took its last breath. Now The Prince married Rue and Bargir and Duck lived together happily ever after.
The End

Thursday 1 December 2011

The boy and the banyan tree

One day when Cuoi was supposed to be tending the buffalo of a rich farmer, he decided he would rather play. So, he went into the forest, and lay down beneath a banyan tree.

Soon, he heard a whimpering noise. He stood and walked toward the sound. He pushed aside some leaves and spotted four tiger cubs lying there.

Cuoi tickled the cubs and picked one up to pet it. Then Cuoi heard the tigress returning. Frantic, he dropped the cub to the ground, which it hit with a thud. When the tigress found her injured cub, she walked to a small banyan sapling growing close to the tree in which he hid. She bit off several leaves, chewed on them, and placed them inside the cub's mouth.

Cuoi watched as the lifeless cub opened his eyes, and within a few minutes, got up and began to run about. Cuoi felt relieved, for the cub was healed. 

So those leaves are magic, Cuoi thought. I could do many things with such a tree. 

When the tigress and her cubs left, Cuoi climbed down the tree, pulled the slim banyan sapling out of the ground, and planted the tree by his house.

Cuoi used the leaves of the tree to cure many people. He became famous and wealthy. The sapling flourished and grew to be a large tree.

Cuoi married the daughter of a village leader. However, she was so beautiful and many people like her.One day a man come and try to tell her to marry him but she said no.The man was so angry so he kill her.Cuoi return and see his precious wife is dead so he try to save her with the banyan leaves but no use if he don't have a brain for her. Cuoi's dog said that take its brain for her. He thanks the dog so much and take it's brain. The wife did come back to life but she having a dog brain so she is hard to remember thing. Cuoi said to her that doesn’t water the tree with dirty water but she didn't remember. So, one day when Cuoi left to go cure a sick neighbor, his wife poured a huge bucket of soapy, dirty water on the tree's roots. The tree began to come out of the ground.

Cuoi returned just at that moment, for he had forgotten something, and there was his precious tree, beginning to rise into the sky!

"Wait," he cried, and he grabbed hold of the tree's roots.

But Cuoi was not heavy enough to hold that tree to the ground, and so it carried him to the moon, where he and the tree live to this day.

(I don't know why its can't see. If you want to see it highlight it)

Thursday 15 September 2011

How Important Family To You

I think family is very important because they are the one we first saw when our mother gave birth. I think I am very grateful to have family. Like our mother, if we don't have a mother, we won't have person to hold tight in their arm, teach you how to be a elegant person,....,...etc. So now I think we should try to be as best child as we could so we could pay back their care

My Goal For Improvement

I think my goal for improvement is to speak louder

Sunday 4 September 2011

MY feed back sandwich

1. Good thing :I did well on the presentasion
2. Improve: I need to read with out a book
3. Read flow
Goal to Improment
Try to remember when giving a speech