Thursday 1 December 2011

The boy and the banyan tree

One day when Cuoi was supposed to be tending the buffalo of a rich farmer, he decided he would rather play. So, he went into the forest, and lay down beneath a banyan tree.

Soon, he heard a whimpering noise. He stood and walked toward the sound. He pushed aside some leaves and spotted four tiger cubs lying there.

Cuoi tickled the cubs and picked one up to pet it. Then Cuoi heard the tigress returning. Frantic, he dropped the cub to the ground, which it hit with a thud. When the tigress found her injured cub, she walked to a small banyan sapling growing close to the tree in which he hid. She bit off several leaves, chewed on them, and placed them inside the cub's mouth.

Cuoi watched as the lifeless cub opened his eyes, and within a few minutes, got up and began to run about. Cuoi felt relieved, for the cub was healed. 

So those leaves are magic, Cuoi thought. I could do many things with such a tree. 

When the tigress and her cubs left, Cuoi climbed down the tree, pulled the slim banyan sapling out of the ground, and planted the tree by his house.

Cuoi used the leaves of the tree to cure many people. He became famous and wealthy. The sapling flourished and grew to be a large tree.

Cuoi married the daughter of a village leader. However, she was so beautiful and many people like her.One day a man come and try to tell her to marry him but she said no.The man was so angry so he kill her.Cuoi return and see his precious wife is dead so he try to save her with the banyan leaves but no use if he don't have a brain for her. Cuoi's dog said that take its brain for her. He thanks the dog so much and take it's brain. The wife did come back to life but she having a dog brain so she is hard to remember thing. Cuoi said to her that doesn’t water the tree with dirty water but she didn't remember. So, one day when Cuoi left to go cure a sick neighbor, his wife poured a huge bucket of soapy, dirty water on the tree's roots. The tree began to come out of the ground.

Cuoi returned just at that moment, for he had forgotten something, and there was his precious tree, beginning to rise into the sky!

"Wait," he cried, and he grabbed hold of the tree's roots.

But Cuoi was not heavy enough to hold that tree to the ground, and so it carried him to the moon, where he and the tree live to this day.

(I don't know why its can't see. If you want to see it highlight it)

Thursday 15 September 2011

How Important Family To You

I think family is very important because they are the one we first saw when our mother gave birth. I think I am very grateful to have family. Like our mother, if we don't have a mother, we won't have person to hold tight in their arm, teach you how to be a elegant person,....,...etc. So now I think we should try to be as best child as we could so we could pay back their care

My Goal For Improvement

I think my goal for improvement is to speak louder

Sunday 4 September 2011

MY feed back sandwich

1. Good thing :I did well on the presentasion
2. Improve: I need to read with out a book
3. Read flow
Goal to Improment
Try to remember when giving a speech

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Welcome To My Blog

Hello everyone
My name is Penny and this is my blog.

Thanks for passing by